News Release: The Truth Comes Out – Canadians Want Restrictions on Abortion

(, August 4, 2010): A newly-released Angus Reid public opinion poll reveals some startling findings on abortion that blow apart the myth that the abortion debate is settled in Canada. In its ten page news release, Angus Reid highlighted that only 21% of Canadians know that there are no legal restrictions on abortion in Canada. Even more astounding, when the respondents were told about the reality of the lack of abortion laws and then asked which option they would prefer to regulate abortion, only 27% wanted the status-quo to be maintained. Less than half of the respondents (44%) think that abortions should be publicly funded and a majority think that women under the age of 18 should have to get consent from their parents or legal guardian to get an abortion. To add to all of this, a whopping 79% “would support provincial legislation demanding that health care workers give information about alternatives to abortion to pregnant women.”
“These findings are huge”, stated ARPA Canada’s Director Mark Penninga. “They send a loud a clear signal to our policy makers that Canada’s lack of laws on abortion are out of step with public opinion. How strong do the numbers have to be before our leaders decide to deal with this issue in a principled and honest manner?”
For over twenty years Canada has not had any laws regulating abortion, setting us apart from all other nations in the Western world.
“Our leaders need encouragement” said Penninga. “They need to hear from you that you are looking to them to show leadership on this issue. They can no longer use the argument that society first has to change before they reflect these changes in law. And when they do show a willingness to address the issue, they need support,” Penninga added, referring to the current Private Members Bill titled Roxanne’s Law that was introduced by MP Rod Bruinooge to make it a crime to coerce a woman to have an abortion. “Things will change if we each have the courage to stand up for the unborn, and get behind leaders who bravely do the same.”
For suggestions for action to support Roxanne’s Law, click here.
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The Association for Reformed Political Action strives to educate, equip, and encourage members of Canada’s Reformed church community to political action.