No Freedom of Thought, Belief, or Expression

The Ontario Human Rights Tribunal recently issued written reasons why it dismissed a complaint against a Knights of Columbus chapter located in the small town of L’Orignal , Ontario . The fact that the complaint was dismissed came as no surprise, but the reasons for the dismissal are certainly alarming, and provide yet another warning to Canadians how their fundamental freedoms are in serious danger.
. The fact that the complaint was dismissed came as no surprisebut the reasons for the dismissal are certainly alarmingand provide yet another warning to Canadians how their fundamental freedoms are in serious danger.
The complainantone Marguerite Dallairestrongly disagrees with the Catholic Church’s position on abortion. Meanwhilethe Knights of Columbus are known for their strident defence of Catholic orthodoxyincluding the belief that abortion is morally wrong. Dallaire does not hide her beliefs; neither do the Knights. In factthe Knights placed a monument on their local church property that bears the relatively innocuous statementtranslated from French:
Let us pray that all life rests in the hands of God from conception until natural death.