Ontario Joins Other Provinces In Reviewing Human Rights Commission

ARPA Note: This is a great example of how your continued efforts have an impact. Please continue to urge your MPP or MLA to make changes to the HRC in your province.
Toronto Star, August 13 2011: Ontario is launching a one-year probe into the province’s human rights watchdog. Toronto lawyer Andrew Pinto will examine changes made in 2008 to the Human Rights Code — including if the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario is effectively doing its job.
Earlier this year, Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak reversed his stand on his promise to scrap the human rights tribunal. He now says that if he is elected in the Oct. 6 provincial election, he would “fix” the human rights system, which he once referred to as a “kangaroo court”. Hudak’s fix includes adopting clearer rules of evidence in terms of complaints. Keep reading