Our silence will condemn us

Here are this week’s maxims:
“Qui tacet consentire videtur” Translation: He who is silent appears to consent.
“Qui non prohibit quod prohibere potest assentire videtur” Translation: He who does not forbid what he can forbid, seems to assent.
God never wants men to stay silent when confronted with lies and falsehood. He doesn’t want the truth to be silenced by our inaction. This maxim would seem to go in line with Numbers 30:14. The context of Numbers 30 is the responsibility of a husband to step in if he does not agree with the vow his wife has made. Much could be discussed about the whole context but verse 14 tells us that, “But if her husband says nothing to her about it from day to day, then he confirms all her vows or the pledges binding on her. He confirms them by saying nothing to her when he hears about them.” So technically, our inaction becomes action.
I believe that ARPA and the work that you do is essential in voicing out the Word of God to the courts and to the political arena. Hopefully God will raise up a greater number of men to further the voice of the Church in the Canadian political sphere. If the Church does not make its voice heard, it will seem to consent to every crooked policy that Parliament or the courts will come up with.
May God forgive us if we consent to evil by our inactions.
– Maximus