Plan for all-day kindergarten in BC leaves many perplexed

Today’s Family News – Written by Andrea Mrozek, manager of research and communications at the Institute of Marriage and Family Canada
On September 1, 2009, British Columbia announced the updated budget would include $151 million for all-day kindergarten for the province’s approximately 40,000 five-year-olds, starting in 2010. The same budget announced a $2.8 billion dollar deficit and tax increases through the new Harmonized Sales Tax (HST).
The province is framing the move to all-day kindergarten as one that is necessarily beneficial for children. This is also true of other jurisdictions with similar plans, like Ontario, where Premier Dalton McGuinty aims to roll out full-day kindergarten, also starting in 2010. [Continue reading this story here.] Also, read an ARPA commentary on BC’s plan for all-day kindergarten here.