Pro-Life Flag Display in Grande Prairie

The Barrhead/Neerlandia ARPA chapter, the Neerlandia ARPA School chapter and many volunteers hosted the pro-life flag display in Grande Prairie, Alberta on Saturday, October 25. The organizer shared some of her thoughts as well as experiences and photos with us.
“What a great day.” We got to meet and talk with a number of people. One gentleman was pro-choice and we had a great conversation, he was happy that we could chat in a civil way, and said that was not something he was not use to. Another person we spoke with has gone through four abortions and was feeling very guilty about it. She was in tears and when she left I gave her a huge hug and told her not to forget that there is help if she needs it. A man we spoke with wanted his wife to have an abortion, 21 years ago. His wife did not have an abortion, they had a boy and now 21 years later the father and husband is a born again Christian and is glad his wife did not listen to him. He says that sometimes he thinks about what life could have been and I mentioned that he has since found Christ and that when ever he thinks like this he needs to remember that Christ died and forgave our sins. He left in happy spirits when we were finished. I also chatted with a lady that hosts the Christian radio station and would like to have a follow-up letter so she can remind her listeners that there are people out there that are beginning to stand for our beliefs. There were also many pro-lifers, and we were able to feed homeless people in the area. The many honks and waves from the vehicles driving by was overwhelming. I was hit by it at the end of the day. I shed some tears and was thankful to God that he was with us at all times. God has been good as he blessed us through this day, in the situations we encountered. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
What a testimony and a great reminder of how we can engage on important political issues, that are also sensitive, in a respectful and encouraging way. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped make this event happen!