Pro-Life Speaker Shouted Down by Mob Last Week Speaks at Another Catholic University Tonight

Controversial talk emphasizes that abortion is comparable to the Holocaust
ANTIGONISH, NS, February 10, 2009 ( – Jose Ruba, whose talk on Thursday at St. Mary’s University in Halifax was shouted down by a mob of abortion supporters, will attempt to give the same pro-life presentation tonight at St. Francis Xavier University in Antigonish, Nova Scotia.
Last Thursday’s speech by Ruba, co-founder of the Calgary-based Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform (CCBR), was titled, “Echoes of the Holocaust”. A minute into his talk on abortion, a group of angry protestors chanted repeatedly, constantly interrupting the presentation, until a university official shut down Ruba’s presentation. Ruba was being hosted by the university’s pro-life group.
(Footage of the disruption that lasted more than 45 minutes can be seen in a series of clips on Youtube:…)
“It’s sad really. In February, we remember the civil rights activists, who peacefully spoke out for the oppressed in their society. When white racists violently protested against them, the police arrested the peaceful civil rights activists and not the racists,” said Ruba. “It’s too bad that kind of thinking still exists today.”
St. Mary University student, Joe Westin, who invited Ruba to his campus, expressed disappointment at his peers’ and university’s reaction: “I am appalled that the students would be so hateful and intolerant and am shocked that the university gave into mob rule,” he said.
It is unknown whether those same protestors, or more, will show up at the talk at St. FX tonight. Security plans to be on site.
“I spoke to the students at St. FX last night and encouraged them to persevere, reminding them that we’re not doing anything wrong.”
The presentation has been met with such resistance because Ruba’s organization, CCBR, emphasizes that abortion is comparable to the Holocaust. CCBR’s executive director, Stephanie Gray, explained their philosophy: “If the unborn aren’t human, our comparison is wrong. But if the unborn are human, then our comparison is frighteningly accurate.
“We’re not saying the Holocaust and abortion are identical but we are saying they are comparable: innocent human beings denied their personhood status, used for experimentation, treated as objects, legally killed in centres designed to terminate their lives, and disposed of like waste.”
Ruba says he hopes to get a chance to make this case, uninterrupted, at his presentation tonight. “We welcome those who disagree to attend, ask questions, and express their point of view, but simply request that they do so in a civilized manner at the end of the presentation.”
Ruba presents at 7 pm Atlantic time in room 1072 in the Physical Sciences Complex at St. FX.