Proposed Christian law school at Trinity Western under fire because of university’s rules

ARPA Note: We have a new poem about this story, available here.
Vancouver Sun, Jan 16 2013: The heads of Canada’s law schools oppose Trinity Western University’s attempts to star the country’s first religious law school.
The Council of Canadian Law Deans has distributed a letter criticizing the evangelical Christian university’s long-standing requirement that faculty and students refrain from homosexual relationships.
“It’s very troubling for Canadian law school deans,” Bill Flanagan, president of the Canadian Council of Law Deans, said in an interview this week.
The deans’ objection is Trinity Western University’s Bible-based “community covenant,” which the council says makes clear that “gay, lesbian or bisexual students may be subject to disciplinary measures including expulsion.”
In a letter to the Federation of Canadian Law Societies, which has been distributed widely on law school campuses across Canada, Flanagan writes: “This is a matter of great concern for all members. … Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is unlawful in Canada and fundamentally at odds Read more: