Prostitution Is Modern Slavery

During the ARPA Canada Fall Tour, one of the three topics presented was an argument for abolishing the sex trade. Human trafficking and prostitution are connected, and in some ways brutally so. If we ever dare to think that prostitution is a totally voluntary career choice for women, we fail women and we deny them justice.
What happens in third-world countries is undeniably worse than what happens in Canada. However, it is a matter of degree and of scope; what happens in third world countries also happens in Canada. It must be stopped. All of it must be stopped. We must press on with a national strategy to end human trafficking and prostitution in Canada and then we must press on to stop human trafficking and prostitution in the world. The slave trade was abolished years ago; it’s time now to abolish the sex trade.
To read a incredibly moving, but horrifying account of modern slavery, click here. (key quote: “Customers are, of course, the reason trafficking continues…”) If you have not done so already, send your MP an EasyMail letter to let them know that you want an end to prostitution in Canada. You can do that by clicking here and selecting one of the three letters on prostitution to send.