Sex-Selection Feticide: Here to Stay? Act now!

Update (Jan 30, 2012): ARPA Canada’s Legal Counsel André Schutten was interviewed by Capital News Online about this issue. Read their coverage here.
The media has been all over the issue of sex-selection feticide in the last couple of days, and thankfully so. Dr. Rajendra Kale, editor-in-chief of the Canadian Medical Association Journal, published an editorial on Monday calling for doctors to not reveal the gender of their unborn baby to women until after 30 weeks. Dr. Kale argues, “a few of them [Asian immigrants] also imported their preference for having sons and aborting daughters. Female feticide happens in India and China by the millions, but it also happens in North America in numbers large enough to distort the male to female ratio in some ethnic groups.”
The media firestorm has been intense and persistent. Some coverage includes CBC radio (starts in part 1 at 1:36), National Post, the Globe and Mail, and the Toronto Star. There exists among the typically pro-choice crowd a very clear confusion and some consternation on how to properly react; if abortion is all about woman’s choice, why can’t they choose to abort a female baby? And yet it sounds so wrong to them.
This disturbing trend reveals the hypocrisy of the radical feminist mantra that abortion is only ever about women’s rights and choices. Let’s contact our federal representatives to get them to end the killing. Use Easy Mail to contact your local MP and also the Honourable Rona Ambrose, minister of Status for Women and ask them to bring forward a bill to stop the practice of sex-selection feticide. After all, Ms. Ambrose did write openly about the “grim” practice of sex-selection feticide which denies “millions of girls the right to be born merely because they are girls.” She concludes that there is a “serious need to address girls’ rights on a global scale.” Let’s ask her to address girl’s rights here in Canada.
To learn more about this issue, read this well-researched document by the EFC on gendercide.