Stop Bill C-279 Before it Becomes Law

Bill C-279 would add “gender identity” as another identifiable group in a section of the Criminal Code and the Canadian Human Rights Act, giving individuals who feel they are transgendered extra protections under the law. The bill passed through the House of Commons and is now in the Senate. Now is the time to stop it before it becomes law! Our video below goes into detail to explain the many problems that arise when law and public policy are based on how people feel about themselves, rather an any objective reality. Transgendered Canadians, like everyone else, are already equally protected under the law.
Please urge the Senators from your province to oppose Bill C-279.
- 1) Easymail letter for BC Senators
- 2) Easymail letter for Alberta Senators
- 3) Easymail letter for Ontario Senators
- 4) Find a listing of all the Senators, along with sample letters here.
As we explained in the video above, this legislation has nothing to do with equality under the law (which is already a right for all Canadians) and everything to do with redefining sexuality itself. Dr. Douglas Farrow pointed out in 2010 that this legislation “will entrench in Canadian law the notion that sex and/or gender are basically social constructs, products of a series of human choices, based not in the natural order but in more or less arbitrary acts of interpretation.”
In the interview with Dr. Farrow also noted that ‘unlike categories such as sex or race, which are ‘objective conditions,’ the terms proposed by Siksay’s bill are ‘subjectively determined.’ They are ‘mere attitudes towards oneself, or attitudes combined with behaviours (cross-dressing, say, or elective surgery) intended to express or alleviate those attitudes,’ he explained.”
In the last Parliament, the bill (then called C-389 and introduced by Bill Siskay) narrowly passed in the House of Commons, but was killed by an election call, before making its way through the Senate. It is hard to know how this vote will go, though likely it will be close. Even many MPs who personally oppose it refuse to speak up because of the political pressure to promote everything coming from the LGBT community.
Find talking points against this legislation here.