Students crochet booties for ARPA Canada

Students at Covenant Christian School in London, Ontario have been busy participating in the Booties for Babies campaign. Over the winter months a group of girls in grades 5-8, under the leadership of Mrs. Lynda Schouten, have gathered over the lunch hour to crochet baby booties.
The nine girls, some of whom had never crocheted before, learned how to make beautiful baby booties under the direction of Mrs. Schouten and a few of the girls’ moms and omas. The girls, who were looking for a warmer alternative than going outside on lunch hour during the winter months, embraced the opportunity to make baby booties in an effort to “end abortion in Canada”.
Over the past couple of months the girls and the women helping them have made nearly 100 pairs! On March 30th, ARPA Canada board member Frank Oostdyk and staff member Niki Pennings, visited the school to meet with the students and thank them for their hard work. The booties will be delivered to the Ottawa office by Frank next week.
Thank you to Mrs. Schouten and the other women who took the time to teach these girls, not only a craft, but the importance of speaking up for the most vulnerable in our society. The girls were quite excited that the colourful baby booties will be going to Ottawa to serve as a testimony to our elected officials and that one day, a newborn baby will get to wear them.
Well done to all involved!