Now with Action Item: Stunning development: CHRT rules against Section 13
September 3, 2009

Update – Follow up on an important action item, calling on Justice Minister Rob Nicholson to make changes in light of this decision, by clicking here.
September 3, 2009 – ECP Centre News Release – In a stunning development Wednesday, the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal ruled against the Canadian Human Rights Commission by declaring Section 13, the censorship provision of the Canadian Human Rights Act, to be a violation of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
This totalitarian measure, celebrated by Canadian Human Rights Commission czar, Jennifer Lynch, has been the target of Canadian freedom fighters for several years now – ever since Islamic radicals tried to use it against Maclean’s magazine over an excerpt they ran of Mark Steyn’s book, “America Alone.”
CHRT adjudicator Athanasios D. Hadjis issued the ruling in the case of Richard Warman and the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) against Marc Lemire. Professional “hate-crime” complainant – and former CHRC employee – Richard Warman may have to find a new line of work!
The CHRT did what the Conservative government lacked the courage to do over the past couple of years – although it seemed as though they were very slowly moving in the direction of doing something. Now we’ll never know.
The CHRC or Richard Warman can appeal the decision into the court system. The CHRC has no idea how to win when faced with the rules of process imposed by real courts so it would probably be a very intimidating experience. But chief commissioner, Jennifer Lynch, probably thinks she has a reputation to defend, so it remains to be seen what the Commission will do.
The CHRT cannot itself repeal section 13, Mr. Hadjis, in view of his analysis, said, “I will simply refuse to apply these provisions for the purposes of the complaint against Mr. Lemire and I will not issue any remedial order against him.”
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