Thank you, e-mailers for freedom!

By Ezra Levant – June 5, 2008 (picture of Levant from
Look at the first sentence in this political column by John Ivison:
“Conservative MPs report that high on the list of issues that concern their constituents is the threat to freedom of speech posed by the interpretation of the hate messages provision in the Canada Human Rights Act by the country’s human rights commissions.”
He’s talking about you — the e-mailing army of freedom! But Ivison also warns that it’s far too early to declare victory:
“But sources within the government suggest Mr. Nicholson may not have undergone quite the Damascene conversion on the issue that Mr. Martin supposes. One Conservative suggested the Justice Minister is in thrall to his departmental bureaucrats, who do not support overturning Section 13. According to this version of events, Mr. Nicholson has eased pressure within caucus by authorizing a review of the act but has managed to delay action by referring it to a dysfunctional committee that hasn’t met in months and isn’t likely to convene again until well into the fall.”
I received a phone call from an MP’s office last weekend, telling me that his office received 60 letters about human rights commissions in a single day after I put his e-mail address on this site. An MP’s office that received 60 letters a month on a particular issue would likely be that office’s hottest topic. So keep at it!