The abortion distortion

National Post – August 21, 2009: By Andrea Mrozek And Rebecca Walberg
‘Safe, legal and rare” is the mantra of consensus-seeking pro-choice feminists, and one that at least acknowledges that abortion is not a desirable outcome for any pregnancy. But today in Quebec, abortion activists are rebranding. Try this newly truncated motto on for size: “just keep it legal.”
Bill 34 in Quebec was an attempt to legislate the same standards for all out-patient medical clinics. The bill, it’s worth noting, never mentioned abortion, but that didn’t stop abortion activists from shifting into high-gear apoplexy. Those who purportedly stand for women’s rights jumped to demand lower standards for their exclusively female patients. And on Aug. 17, they won. Quebec’s beleaguered Health Minister Yves Bolduc retreated, and will now wait for the Quebec College of Physicians to create new guidelines. [Continue reading this opinion piece here.]