
The Heavy Hand of the CRTC: It is Time For Action



November 7, 2008

TelevisionAccording to the Canadian Press, “The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission has ruled that Shaw Cable has not been marketing its gay-and-lesbian TV service nearly as well as do other cable systems. The broadcast regulator says, as a result of being subjected to “undue disadvantage,” OUTtv was not getting nearly the audience on Shaw that it was getting elsewhere.” [Read the whole story here.]

Apparently the CRTC thinks it has to make sure that private companies are doing a good job in marketing, at least when it comes to promoting homosexuality. This is but one of many examples of the CRTC inquisition in this country. It hands out licenses to porn channels but refuses them to religious programming. After all, we all know how destructive religious programming is to Canadian culture. And it has now decided that it is time to start policing the internet as well. “Watch out, you aren’t promoting enough content that is in line with our ‘Canadian values.’ It’s time to shut it down.” 

Action Item: The CRTC has to report to Parliament. In particular, it reports to Minister of Canadian Heritage, James Moore. Write an email to your MP and CC James Moore. Let them know that it is time that the CRTC was reigned in, or even rid of completely. 

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