The State Under the Sheets

By Mark Penninga ( “There’s no place for the State in the bedrooms of the nation” Justice Minister Pierre Trudeau quipped upon introducing legislation in 1967. His omnibus bill would decriminalize homosexual acts done in private, and make a swath of other revolutionary Criminal Code changes. Not quite so well known are the words he uttered next: “when it becomes public this is a different matter, or when it relates to minors this is a different matter.”
Fast forward 46 years and we find today a State that has never been so interested in and engrossed by the bedrooms of the nation. Political parties, government officials, and civil servants of all stripes are tripping over each other in their zeal to align themselves with those who identify themselves by not being heterosexual.
The political fascination with all things LGBTQ reaches a feverish pitch every summer as politicians march down Canadian streets alongside scantily clad activists (if clad at all). The mainstream media is sure to capture every angle. Viewers are treated to the smiling faces of the likes of Mr. Thomas Mulcair surrounded by his orange team, with signs that brag the NDP is “erecting a better Canada.” Not to be outdone, the city of Vancouver said it was well worth the $25,000 cost to taxpayers to paint a permanent rainbow crosswalk for Pride week. Imagine the fury if the state paid to paint a crosswalk praising heterosexuality. The human rights commission would be on hand passing out complaint forms.
And lest anyone think that the Conservatives are an exception, they have gone out of their way to clear up any misunderstandings. When funding for social programs was cut, pride parades and film festivals apparently were not touched. And Cabinet ministers have ensured that the international community knows that Canada is the place to go for homosexuals who may want a change of scenery.
The State is also using the strong arm of the law to ensure that every citizen has a similar fascination with alternative sexual lifestyles. Of course this is carefully disguised under the banner of “combating homophobia and bullying.” Ontario’s Bill 13, pushed through the Legislature earlier this year, requires even Roman Catholic schools to institute LGBTQ2SI clubs. BC has led the way by letting sex activists revamp the entire K-12 curriculum to promote alternative sexual lifestyles. The Corren Agreement was made in secret, was legally binding, and allowed the activists to hand pick their own “experts” to propose changes. And lest any parents should want to remove their children from controversial subject matter, the BC government also tightened up the rules, ensuring that parents can’t simply pull their children from most classes. After all, as the activist behind these policy changes quipped, if children can be removed, what’s the point of making these changes? The state is driving a wedge between parents and children by insisting that it is the authority on sexuality.
Thanks to the interference of the State, simply making a public statement that sexuality ought to have boundaries, and these boundaries will be restrictive, is seen as one step from hatred. “Thou shall not commit adultery” has been replaced by “though shall not espouse heterosexual monogamy.”
Have we considered the consequences of these revolutionary changes?
Russia, a thoroughly secular State, has blazed the social-liberal trail ahead of Canada. Perhaps we should pause and contemplate when we now see some radical changes to that nation’s policies on abortion and homosexuality. Facing an imminent demographic implosion, the Russian government has swiftly enacted measures to try and stop the demographic decline. They introduced the first restrictions on abortion in almost 50 years by banning abortion after 12 weeks gestation. And most Canadians are now well aware of Russia’s recent stand against the promotion of homosexuality. When the smoke clears, how long will it take for the rest of the Western world to understand that a nation that undermines reproduction and the family is a nation that is chopping its own roots from beneath itself?
Back at home, Statistics Canada informed us in July that our fertility rate has dropped once more – to 1.61 children per woman. That is far below the 2.1 replacement level. Compare that to well over 6 at Confederation and 3.8 in 1960. This is a revolution. A nation that celebrates sexuality premised on autonomy and pleasure rather than commitment and fertility simply can’t sustain itself. It will implode.
What happens in the bedrooms of the nation matters. The State that undermines marriage and the family and drives a wedge between parents and children does so at its own peril.