Two moms and one dad; Reform means government would recognize three-parent families

ARPA Note: Please take the time to send in letters to the editor, as this story is appearing in more papers across the country. ARPA Canada submitted a letter to the Vancouver Sun, arguing that when preference becomes the standard, rather than biology or adoption, it is impossible to draw a line.
Steve Burri’s two daughters are always outnumbered when it comes to arguing with their parents. That’s because Jazz, 17, and Zea, 7, have two moms and a dad, something the B.C. government has said it may legally recognize as one of many proposed reforms to B.C.’s Family Relations Act. Under the current law, the government will not recognize all partners in a three-parent relationship as equal guardians of a child — only the two biological parents. Under the new proposal, however, the law could recognize same-sex couples and the biological mother or father of their child as equal parents if all three parties set out that wish in writing before the birth of their child. Read more