Stand Up For Freedom Today!
A) Send Your Own Letter/Email : Click here Click here for complete contact information of the government officials who are responsible for the HRC’s. Click here
for sample letters for both the federal and provincial governments that you can copy and paste or use for ideas as you write your letter.
B) Petitions – Collect 25 or more signatures and bring it to your local MP/MLA/MPP and ask him or her to introduce it in the House of Commons or your provincial legislature. Bringing a petition provides a good opportunity to meet with him or her to discuss the issue and urge them to action.
- Petition 1Reform Canadian Human Rights Commission PDF
- Petition 2Remove Canadian Human Rights Commission and Act PDF
- Petition 3Reform Provincal HRC (customize .doc)
- Petition 4Remove Provincial HRC (customize. doc)
C) Meet with your elected official to discuss this matterThis is by far the most effective action to take. for suggestions for how to set up a meeting and talking points that you can use when meeting.
D) Write a letter to the editor – Write to your local newspaper. The smaller the paper, the more likely your letter will be printed. Keep it under 200 words. Send us a copy and we can share it through our “news and developments” menu. for a list of Canadian newspapers.
E) Distribute the Stand Up For Freedom Canada pamphlet – order multiple copies and distribute it to the leaders in your community. Pamphlets can be ordered by increments of 100 and are available by donation within Canada. Allow at least two weeks for shipping. to view sample pamphlet.