Who is behind the education system? It isn’t so neutral after all

The following article by Michael Corren is well worth reading and contemplating. At a time where the Reformed schools and ARPA Canada are going to the Supreme Court to explain that education is not neutral and that it is impossible for us to give up our Christian worldview for part of the day, this story does a great job introducing us to one of the people who is behind the “neutral” education system. We have every reason to be scared when the State decides how sexuality, among other things, should be taught.
QMI Agency, July 13 2013: Earlier this week, Toronto police arrested Benjamin Levin, a highly regarded University of Toronto education professor and former civil servant, and on Wednesday he was formally charged with seven counts of child exploitation, including charges of possessing and accessing child pornography.
Not only is Levin an educationalist who influenced schools and teachers all over the world, including Canada and in particular Toronto, but he was also part of Kathleen Wynne’s transition team when she became Ontario premier.
He is a professor at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, which is sadly vital in guiding this country’s teaching methods. He was also deputy minister of education in Ontario for two periods between 2004 and 2009. An indication of the man’s importance and closeness to Canada’s leftist elites was shown at the recent gay pride parade in Toronto, where he stood in line with Justin Trudeau, Wynne and Bob Rae — the leading trio of the Canadian Liberal Party.
He wasn’t part of a larger group, not there by chance, but part of the inner sanctum. This is, as it were, the real thing. Keep reading here.