Hamilton ARPA was overwhelmed by the support they received to make this possible. “We had set a fundraising goal of $5000, and we met and exceeded that goal by over $500 before we even managed to get campaign fully off the ground” noted Helder. “It is truly a blessing to see that God has worked it in the hearts of His people such a strong desire to stand up for the rights of the pre-born child.”
Hamilton ARPA credits Chatham ARPA for their inspiration, in light of the billboard they raised to advertise They also thank graphic designer H Sikkema who did an amazing job with the artwork.
Wow! 4 Huge Billboards Call for Abortion Law
September 13, 2012

Until the end of September, thousands of Ontario drivers won’t be able to ignore 4 large Pattison billboards, sponsored by Hamilton ARPA, urging our nation to come up with a law to protect the unborn. The billboards carry a single but powerful message – three countries in the world offer no protection for unborn children: China, North Korea, and Canada! They also point readers to, an initiative of ARPA Canada.
“We initially approached the project with trepidation” explained Hamilton ARPA member Liam Helder. “Both the technical and the fundraising aspects seemed to be a a tall order. However, looking back, everything came together, and what appeared to be difficult obstacles proved not to be. We thank the LORD for His support, and we can know that in the future, we should trust in Him to bless our efforts.”

Hamilton ARPA credits Chatham ARPA for their inspiration, in light of the billboard they raised to advertise They also thank graphic designer H Sikkema who did an amazing job with the artwork.
“We would encourage all the Local ARPAs to tackle this or similar projects” challenged Helder. “It really is amazing what we can accomplish with the LORD on our side.”