ARPA Note: Alex Schadenberg and the EPC has been a blessing to ARPA’s efforts since we started. If you live in the Vancouver area, consider attending the big conference this weekend.
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, May 26, 2011 ( – Alex Schadenberg has dedicated his life to defending the vulnerable. As head of Canada’s Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, Schadenberg has become one of the world’s leading opponents of legalized euthanasia and assisted suicide. Perhaps most notably, in 2009 he spearheaded a lobbying campaign that led to the overwhelming defeat, 228-59, of a euthanasia bill in Canada’s legislature….
On June 3-4th, Schadenberg’s organization will host the Third International Symposium on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide in Vancouver, British Columbia. (Find information about the symposium here.) Keep reading