Chatham ARPA is hosting a symposium with support from Right to Life Ontario. Keynote speakers are from local Right to Life chapters. The crime of abortion has been “legal” in this country now for forty years. Over the years have we become somewhat desensitized toward the horrific evil of it? Today the next vicious attack on the sanctity of life is looming: Euthanasia. Don’t let the apparent distance of these insidious offenses lull us into complacency. Let’s motivate one another to pray and work to ‘Honour the Gift of Life’ ! Come out and learn what we as Christians ought to be doing in God’s honour, and to be encouraged to get involved.
Date: Friday, May 1/09 Time: 8:00 p.m. Place: Eben-ezer Canadian Reformed Church – 483 McNaughton Ave. E., Chatham