On Friday night, after an energizing ARPA Canada board meeting, Winnipeg ARPA hosted a presentation in the Redeemer Canadian Reformed Church. MP Rod Bruinooge (on right) came out to the Winnipeg event to bring greetings on behalf of the government of Canada. Like the event on the evening before in Carman, Jon Dykstra, editor of RP Magazine spoke about how to discern truth in the media and how we ought to fire, hire, or put our media on probation. And Mark Penninga gave the main presentation where he passed on suggestions for effective political action, based on interviews with MP’s.
Earlier in the day, ARPA Canada’s board of directors and executive director met in Winnipeg for an information-packed board meeting. We were pleased to welcome three new board members (Neil Dykstra from Langley BC, Ralph Vis from Dunville ON, and Bruce deBoer from Toronto ON). We also said farwell to Jacob Kuik, Bill Gortemaker, and Theresa Weessies who faitfully served on the board and previous ARPA boards for many year.