As of June 17, Bill C-14 became law after bouncing back and forth between the Senate and House of Commons. This formally legalized euthanasia and assisted suicide in Canada. Although this is a tragic choice, our leaders did so in full knowledge of the consequences and a much better alternative.
ARPA’s Legal and Policy Resources on Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia:
- New: ARPA’s Submission to Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights
- Speech at God and Government 2016 on Euthanasia and its Harms
- Talking points on euthanasia (great for your letters, phone calls, meetings)
- Important: Legal Analysis & Draft law:How Parliament can continue to prohibit assisted suicide without needing to invoke the “not-withstanding clause”
- Using not-withstanding clause to continue to prohibit assisted suicide
- Policy Report: Broader analysis of why Parliament must prohibit assisted suicide and euthanasia
- Factum: ARPA’s legal submission to the Supreme Court of Canada in Carter v Canada