Update: Bill 24 threatens parental rights in Alberta

Bill 24 threatens parental rights in Alberta
**UPDATE** Bill 24 has since passed through the Alberta Legislature. JCCF has announced they will be initiating a legal challenge to Bill 24 soon. ***
Bill 24 creates an environment that assumes parents are a detriment to the wellbeing of their own children. Bill 24 also threatens to shut down Christian schools, and other faith-based schools by mandating things that people of faith simply cannot do. How can parents instruct their children according to their faith convictions if others are keeping information about their children a secret?
We need your help in developing a counter-narrative to Bill 24 by reaching out to your MLA as soon as possible.
Today we are asking that you commit to two specific action item requests:
- Send an EasyMail to your MLA today (see two options below). The email will be copied to David Eggen (Education Minister), Mr. Mark Smith (United Conservative Party Education Critic), and Rachel Notley (Premier of Alberta). Just pop in your postal code and follow the steps. This will take no more than 10 minutes. Please do this today!
- Make a phone call to your MLA. You can find your MLAs phone number by clicking here. If you have any trouble, be sure to contact me at [email protected]. The reality is most MLAs get very few phone calls from concerned members in their ridings. A phone call makes them stop and take notice in a way that email cannot.
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More Resources
For an explanation of Bill 24 see this from Parents for Choice in Education. It explains the risk of alienating parents who are most often the child’s support system, and removing the ability of staff to be responsive to individual situations. The lack of nuance this bill puts vulnerable children at risk.
For a legal analysis of Bill 24 see this from the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms. It explains the constitutional vulnerabilities of this bill. Both independent schools and parents have their rights infringed by this bill.
For a discussion on how Christian schools approach the issue of protecting gay and trans students see this from ARPA Canada. Christian schools aim to protect all students from bullying and this does not mean blindly accepting modern philosophies on sexuality and gender.