Jan 17, 2021 – ‘Statement Sunday’

Bill C-6 regarding ‘Conversion Therapy’ has been moving very quickly through the various stages toward becoming law. We expect it will be sent to the Senate for review in the last week of January, then back to Parliament for final reading before likely becoming law.
There is a very real possibility that Bill C-6 will soon become law. This means that aspects of pastoral care for people with same-sex attraction or gender questions will become illegal. The government intends to use the Criminal Code to influence conversations on human identity, sexuality and gender.
ARPA Canada has been consistently active on Bill C-6, and you have responded positively to our action requests – thank you! We have one more request – a prayer request.
This coming Sunday, January 17, many churches will be standing together by making a public announcement about the church’s commitment to a biblical perspective on identity and sexuality. You can find the Pastors Statement here which will be read in the worship services of many churches across the country on January 17th.
The original statement is quite long, so we’ve amended the announcement below. Encourage your pastor to read this statement if they see fit, or to incorporate this matter into congregational prayer this coming Sunday.
In this increasingly confused area of life on the issues of identity, gender and sexuality, we have good news to share!
Draft announcement
This morning we will join many other churches across the country by bringing before the Lord our concerns about Bill C-6. This bill is very close to passing in the House of Commons and, if passed as written, will undermine the ministry of the church to those with same-sex attractions or questions about their gender. We will pray for our elected leaders, for those in positions of authority in the church, as well as for those who are seeking help with questions about gender and sexuality. May Almighty God preserve the freedom of the church to compassionately share the truth about who we are to offer help, support and answers to those struggling with questions about their identity and sense of belonging. May the church in Canada be found willing and ready to offer this help. May our Glorious Father also protect the thousands of vulnerable children from abuse and exploitation, also through the voice and action of the church. May children find shelter from confusing ideologies in healthy families and communities.