Online porn industry under government scrutiny – ARPA submits policy brief to Ethics Committee

The House of Commons Standing Committee on Information, Privacy, and Ethics is studying the question of ‘Protection of Privacy and reputation on Platforms such as Pornhub.’
As we discussed in previous posts (here from Dec 17th and here from Jan 27th), the December 4, 2020 New York Times exposé on the porn industry has brought a welcome level of concerned attention to the website and business model of Pornhub and the Mindgeek corporation based in Montreal. Parliament needs to address the fact that these sites host videos of violent pornography, rape and pornographic videos featuring underage girls. More needs to be done by Parliament and law enforcement to ensure that the pornography industry stops exploiting vulnerable women.
ARPA Canada has now submitted a brief to the committee. We’re thankful for this opportunity to shine light into a dark place of evil and abuse. We pray that this may be a step in the right direction towards ending the widespread proliferation of this kind of material and the abusive market that comes with it. We thank the members of this committee for the opportunity to provide written briefs. The issue of online exploitation is one of great concern to many Canadians, especially the victims of the pornography and sex-trafficking industries. ARPA Canada continues to express deep concern for the incredible lack of regulation in the creation and distribution of pornography.
Read the brief by clicking the link below. (please be aware, the content is difficult, and we have decided to err on the side of caution and redact a certain portion that deals with explicit wording)