ARPA Action Goals for 2013

With our sovereign God watching over all things, we have much reason for optimism as we enter 2013. ARPA Canada has established a number of goals, as we are convinced that much more gets accomplished when our efforts are focussed, planned, and coordinated. Here is a taste:
1) Proactive issues of focus: We are working on new policy reports for all MPs and Senators on the topic of spanking (spring) and marijuana (fall). Our planned theme for the 2013 ARPA presentations across the country is spanking, spending, and smoking pot. If you would like an event in your community be sure to let us know. These matters are brewing under the surface of Canada’s public square and both require a thoughtful and principled perspective before changes are made to our law. As with all of our policy reports, we will be looking to you, our readers, to follow-up with your federal and provincial leaders to ask them for feedback on the recommendations.
2) Federal Legislation: Bill C-279 (gender identity) is coming up for another vote. It narrowly passed the first vote in the House of Commons in 2012. The legislation is premised on many faulty conclusions about the law and sexuality. Be sure to watch our video on the issue and be in touch with your MP about it.
Second, Motion 408 (sex-selection) will continue to stir the consciences of MPs as they have to decide whether they will condone abortions done becuase the child is a girl. Now is the time to get petitions filled in and delivered to your MP!
Third, the sports betting gambling bill is in the Senate and needs to be stopped. Public awareness of this issue is almost zero and we can help change this.
3) Provincial Legislation: ARPAs in Ontario, Alberta, and BC are planning provincial conferences in which they meet with MLAs and MPPs on key issues of provincial concern (such as parental responsibility in education and reforms to the human rights commissions). Please get plugged into your local ARPA and take part in these valuable meetings.
4) Court cases to watch: We are still waiting for the Supreme Court’s decision on the big Whatcott case (freedom of expression). Watch the video introduction here. Courts are also re-opening the euthanasia issue and we are very grateful for the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition’s efforts on that front. We highly recommend that you subscribe to their newsletter to stay on top of the developments. A huge case that we will be following for the next two years has to do with parental rights in education and the freedom of parents and private schools to abstain from classes that promote secularism and humanism. Learn more here. We are not sure yet what role we can play in this case, but we are convinced that it is something we all should be watching, praying about, and be ready for action.