Take Action: Hats of Hope Campaign

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If you’ve followed ARPA Canada for awhile, you may remember our Booties for Babies effort a few years ago. We had a goal of having 1,000 pairs of baby booties knit to represent the babies lost to abortion in Canada, and you blew us away with more than 7,000 pairs made! With these thousands of baby booties we were able to do a moving display and press conference on Parliament Hill. The booties were then donated to pregnancy care centres to be given to new moms choosing life for their babies.
Like that initiative, the current Hats of Hope campaign from We Need a Law engages your crafty side, asking you to knit, crochet, or sew a baby hat to bring a tangible humanity to the lives lost to abortion.
How will Hats of Hope help?
- Prayer: As you make a hat, prayerfully consider the injustice of abortion and ask God to intervene. Ultimately, only He can change hearts and minds on abortion, and nothing is beyond his power and ability.
- Awareness: Together, we can ensure that every single MP gets at least one baby hat, along with a personal note calling them to think about why this hat is empty. None of our leaders will be able to say they didn’t know about the injustice of abortion.
- Blessing: Members of Parliament will be asked to donate the hats they receive to local hospitals or pregnancy care centres, to bless born children with your work.
We put out this call to action through the We Need a Law campaign in November, and the response has been incredible. Hundreds of beautiful handmade baby hats have already made their way to Ottawa since starting in November. The postal strike slowed things down, but now mailboxes are filling once again with hats!
Can you add to the number? Our goal is to have these hats on desks in Ottawa before Parliament gets back to work on March 24. So that means we’re asking you to send your hats by the week of March 10 to make sure they get there in time.
Hats of Hope was conceived in the hope of a brighter future for pre-born children in Canada, a future where every pre-born child is wanted, welcomed, and valued, and where abortion is unthinkable. Let’s keep encouraging our leaders to take action for the protection of pre-born children.
Start by sending a hat to your own MP, then send additional hats to other MPs. Our hope is that every Member of Parliament (MP) receives not just one hat, but multiple hats with notes asking them to consider the injustice of abortion. The We Need a Law website has a tool to look up three MPs at a time, and it cycles through the whole list of 338 MPs so no one is missed.
You have seen over the years how our signature pink and blue flags touch so many hearts and open the opportunity for conversations about abortion. Our hope is that these baby hats will do the same.

Visit the Hats of Hope webpage to find a printable tag to include with your hat, a tool to look up MPs, and more. Share your work and tag us on social media (@weneedalaw) so we can see and share your hats of hope making their way to MPs from across the country.