Action Item: MP Stands Up for Parental Authority and Needs Support

ARPA Action Item: MP Kelly Block is being ridiculed for standing up for parental responsibilities. Send her a note to thank her for addressing this issue. And send a note to your MP, the Justice Minister, and the Senators from your province, urging them to uphold a parent’s freedom to use corporal punishment and to vote against Bill S-209. For more information, click here.
David Hutton and Janet French, The StarPhoenix, October 06, 2009: Saskatoon-Rosetown-Biggar MP Kelly Block calls spanking a “traditional punishment” and is asking her constituents to help her fight a Senate bill that would see parents charged for it. Block sent a mailout with the words “Are Parents Criminals?” to her constituents recently, asking them to mail back their answer to a question on whether they support spanking as a form of punishment. [Continue reading this story here.]