Alberta: Take Action on Gender Guidelines

Alberta’s provincial government is forcing upon our schools a totalitarian, one-size-fits-all regime of “gender guidelines,” and they’re doing so without even a vote in the Legislature. You can read ARPA’s full analysis of these guidelines, and how they undermine faith, family, and reason here.
Among many other things, these “guidelines” mean that a male student can “self-identify” as female and enter our girls’ change rooms. They also mean any gender specific talk of “mom” or “dad” or “girls” or “boys” must be discouraged and changed to “neutral” terms like “parents.” Yes, that includes in private Christian schools as well.
The guidelines would impose upon our schools the most extreme form of so-called “gender ideology.” The Alberta government is undermining the role of parents as educators and the independence of school boards, including faith-based schools.
We need to act now. Please let every MLA know that they can’t take our votes for granted. That includes the opposition PC and Wildrose parties, which need to act like an opposition and actually stand up against these guidelines.
This will take less than 10 minutes of your time and could make all the difference.
For too long Alberta’s political parties have counted upon our votes while doing very little to uphold our values. Little or nothing is being done to challenge a radical social ideology that is imposing a radical secular agenda on Alberta’s children, including children at our faith-based independent schools.
Please send this EasyMail letter, which will be copied to the office of all 22 members of the Official Opposition, and ask that they actually be an opposition. Tell them to do their job! After you’ve done that, please spread the word to your contacts who share your concerns that Alberta’s political parties would rather play identity politics then protect our children.