Press Release: ARPA Canada intervenes in TWU case this week

For immediate release from the Association for Reformed Political Action (ARPA) Canada
November 29, 2017
ARPA Canada intervenes in TWU case this week
André Schutten, ARPA Canada’s Director of Law & Policy, will be arguing at the Supreme Court of Canada. He will argue that the Charter’s section 15 equality right is infringed, not by Trinity Western, but by the law societies against Trinity Western students. “In order to determine whether something is discrimination we rely not on hurt feelings, but on legal test.” Schutten said. The reality is, while there may be those who disagree with Trinity Western’s covenant – it is legally and constitutionally protected.
And there is good reason to protect it. One of Canada’s fundamental freedoms is that of association. “Association, by definition, requires the freedom for members of a community to define for themselves who they are.”
While Trinity Western is exercising their freedom of association, the law societies as government actors are bound by the Charter not to discriminate on the basis of religion against Trinity Western students. And yet their sole reason for rejecting them is because of the religious views espoused in Trinity Western’s Covenant.
The Supreme Court of Canada needs to hold the law societies to account for their discrimination and overturn their decisions.
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Interview requests:
ARPA Canada’s Director of Law & Policy, André Schutten, is available for comment via phone/email or in person in Ottawa. To arrange an interview contact Hannah Sikkema, media facilitator at 1-866-691-2772, ext. 1 or [email protected].