ARPA Canada is hiring – Outreach Coordinator

The Association for Reformed Political Action (ARPA) Canada is a non-profit organization devoted to educating, equipping, and encouraging political action among members of Canada’s Reformed churches and shining the light of God’s Word to our civil governments. By God’s grace, this work continues to grow and as such requires a third employee to assist us in carrying out our mission.
Job Description: Outreach Coordinator
The ideal candidate will report to the Executive Director and be responsible for assisting the Executive Director and Ontario Director/Legal Counsel by:
- Organizing approximately 30-50 events per year (travel not generally required)
- Facilitating provincial and national conferences
- Corresponding with readers and donors
- Managing contacts
- Compiling newsletters and print publications
- Updating websites and social media
- General administrative duties
- Potential (not required) to grow into full-time position and also assist with writing, research, public speaking, coordinating ARPA’s, and government relations.
Employment details:
- Hourly wage
- Approx 20-30 hours per week (flexibility required)
- Located anywhere in Canada
- Start in early 2012
Requirements for application:
- Active communicant membership in a Reformed church and full submission to the Bible and Reformed confessions (see for details)
- Heartfelt agreement with the mission, vision, tone, and direction of ARPA Canada
- Self-motivated and disciplined work ethic – ability to work alone
- Excellent interpersonal, verbal, and written communication skills
- Computer proficiency (including MS Office)
- Provide your own workplace (home or otherwise), with high-speed internet access.
- Knowledge of, and interest in, Canadian politics
- Ability to work well with a team, through email.
- Six month trial period
- Minimum 2-3 years expected commitment
- Efficient, pleasant, and detail-oriented
- Experience with administration and/or coordinating events
- Located in Southern Ontario
- Ability to work more hours some months, and less others
- Previous involvement in a local ARPA group or political experience with a similar organization
- Post-secondary education in the Humanities or Social Sciences
- Graphic design, video-editing, or computer programming skills
- Base of $18/hour (depending on experience and responsibilities). No benefits provided.
If you are interested in the job description and meet the requirements that we are looking for, please submit a resume and an accompanying cover letter (that introduces yourself and details how you fulfill the requirements and assets listed above), as well as the names of three people who we can contact as references, to [email protected] before December 23, 2011. The list of references should include someone from church leadership (either a minister or elder) and at least one employment reference.
ARPA Canada reserves the right to only follow-up with, interview, and hire candidates that it deems suitable for the position.