Prayer Requests: B.C. hearing on constitutionality of polygamy begins Monday

For Immediate Release from the CHRISTIAN LEGAL FELLOWSHIP: November 18, 2010
London, ON – On Monday, November 22, 2010, the Supreme Court of British Columbia will begin hearing opening statements in the Constitutional Reference on Polygamy (“Reference”). The Reference was brought by the Attorney General of British Columbia; it asks the Court to determine whether, or to what extent, section 293 of the Criminal Code of Canada (“Code”), the section outlawing polygamy, is consistent with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (“Charter”).
Over the next week, the Court will hear opening statements by the Attorney General of Canada, the Attorney General of British Columbia, the Reference Amicus, and the twelve interveners, including the Christian Legal Fellowship (“CLF”). The Court will then commence with viva voce evidence, hearing from experts and individuals possessing first-hand information about polygamy. After the evidence is presented, the parties will have an opportunity to make written and oral arguments to the Court. The process is expected to continue into late-January.
Due to the potential impact this case will have on Canadian jurisprudence and society, CLF is requesting all of its members, friends, and partners to be in prayer, beseeching the Lord God for favour and wisdom. The following are specific prayer points for you and your congregations to consider as you intercede for our nation and lift up this critical issue before the Lord over the next few months:
1. Ask the Lord to extend his forgiveness and mercy to Canada for violating His laws on sexuality and for failing to defend the vulnerable in the past. Ask that the Blood of Christ be applied to cleanse the nation from all unrighteousness, so that the petitions of His people may be heard. (2 Chronicles 7:14)
2. Ask the Lord to fill counsel with His Spirit, applying His knowledge, wisdom, understanding and power, so that those opposing the Code provisions will be unable to present a rational defence and those arguing in support of the Code will be able to justly answer every question posed. (Psalm 55:9; 1 Colossians 1:9)
3. Ask the Lord to give the judge great wisdom in deciding every issue that arises. Ask the Lord to grant us favour and give the judge eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart that is receptive to and passionate about truth, justice, and mercy. (Proverbs 21:1)
4. Ask the Lord to protect the witnesses and their families from physical, social, financial or psychological danger, so that every person who testifies can speak boldly and truthfully without being hindered by coercion, deception, or fear. (2 Timothy 1:7)
5. Ask the Lord to give clarity, discernment, and understanding to the media reporting on this case that they may be able to present the truth in fullness. Ask the Lord to protect counsel, CLF staff, and others who may have to explain why polygamy is harmful to its participants and to society; ask that God give them the words and arguments necessary to be compelling, convincing and winsome, especially to a secular audience. (1 Corinthians 9:22b)
6. Ask the Lord to give His people the strength and patience necessary to endure this long process and to share His love, salvation, and standard with those who do not know Christ. (Galatians 6:9; 2 Thessalonians 3:13; Matthew 28:16-20)
7. Ask the Lord to use this case to bring many in Canada into right relationship with Himself and to keep us alert as to the potential harm this may exert upon our churches, families and even the Gospel itself. Ask that as the Church explains why God cares so deeply about marriage, family, the vulnerable, and justice that hearts would be softened and people would be saved. (John 3:16)
8. Ask the Lord to use this case to fulfill His promises and to bring about the fullness of His redemptive plan across our great nation and even beyond our borders. (Psalm 9:4-16; Psalm 145:7-17)
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For further information or to arrange an interview, please contact:
Stephanie M. Luck, B.A., J.D., Esq.
Legal Researcher/Director of Operations
Alliance des chrétiens en droit
Phone: (519) 641-8850 Fax: (519) 641-8866