Bill to legalize euthanasia introduced in Canada

Bloc Quebecois MP Francine Lalonde has introduced her private member’s bill that would legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide. It is called Bill C-384 and the full text of it is available by clicking here.
Important Action Item: Write to, phone, or meet with your MP to urge them to reject this bill. If you are writing a letter or email, be sure to CC our Justice Minister and the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Justice as well as the Prime Minister. Click here for a complete analysis of this bill including three sample letters from the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition . If you are looking for some resources to help inform you about the issue, read this excellent resource from the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition. It is slightly dated (it refers to previous legislation) but is still relevant today because this bill is very similar and the fundamental issues remain the same.
In her short speech in Parliament that she delivered when introducing this bill, Lalonde referred to how times are changing. She argued that the “slippery slope” that is often referred to has not been happening in countries that have decriminalized this. She also emphaisized that this is all about dignity and compassion. All of this points to the need for us to engage in the public debate with the truth and to show Canada what genuine dignity and compassion is. Please keep this matter in prayer and check back for updates.
Read more coverage of this bill from here. Read secular ethicist Margaret Somerville’s article about this in today’s Ottawa Citizen here.