December 13, 2008

Books, DVD’s, and Articles
Dive deeper into the issues! The following books and DVD’s are relevant to the issues found on ARPA Canada’s website. Most of these sellers are based in Canada to reduce shipping costs. Use your discretion: ARPA Canada is not responsible for content on any external sites. We do not receive a commission for linking to these resources. If you have suggestions for books and DVD’s to include in this list, please contact us.
ARPA Canada Publications
Note that not all of these publications are available to the public.
- New: God & Government by Dr. C VanDam
- ARPA Canada’s Christian Citizenship Guide by Michael Wagner
- Building on Sand: Human Dignity in Canadian Law and Society by Mark Penninga
- A Biblical Perspective on the Role of the State by Dr. Cornelis Van Dam
- Public Religion in a Privatized Society by Ray Pennings
- Taking Steps to Protect Your Church from Human Rights Complaints: A Legal Guide for Reformed Congregations by André Schutten
- Lesson Plan Package for Christian Schools and Home Schools
- Reformed Reflections by Rev. Johan Tangelder: Hundreds of articles on politics, religion, and society
Reformed Politics
Unbelief and Revolution [Free PDF] by Groen van Prinsterer
- Lectures on Calvinism [Free PDF] by Abraham Kuyper
- Roots of Western Culture [Free PDF] by Herman Dooyeweerd
- Evangelicals in the Public Square edited by J Budziszewsky
- Church and Caesar: A Legal Primer for Office-bearers by Ray Pennings
- More books (from Inheritance Publications)
- Many more books in PDF form (No cost: from Paideia Books)
Canadian Politics:
- Standing on Guard for Thee by Michael Wagner
- The Great Canadian Comedy by Joe Campbell
- State vs Church by Timothy Bloedow
No Sacred Ground (Human Rights Commissions) by Tim Bloedow
- The Tyranny of Nice by Kathy Shaidle and Pete Vere (with introduction by Mark Steyn)
Life Issues:
- Building on Sand: Human Dignity in Canadian Law and Society by Mark Penninga
- Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments by Randy Alcorn
- Why Pro-Life? Caring for the Unborn and Their Mothers by Randy Alcorn
- Pro-Life 101: A Step by Step Guide to Making Your Case Persuasively by Scott Klusendorf
- The War Against the Family by William Gairdner
- Divorcing Marriage: a collection of essays from Canadians in response to the proposal to redefine marriage (edited by Dan Cere and Douglas Farrow)
- Books on marriage, family, divorce, homosexuality, etc. from Focus on the Family Canada.
Philosophy and Wordview:
- The Universe Next Door by James W. Sire
- Can We Be Good Without God by Paul Chamberlain
- Culture Shift: Engaging Current Issues with Timeless Truth by Albert Mohler
- Rediscovering Natural Law in Reformed Theological Ethics by Stephen J. Grabill
The Book of Absolutes by William Gairdner
- A Christian Manifesto by Francis Schaeffer
- Total Truth by Nancy Pearcey and Charles Colson
- Environmentalism and the Death of Science by Tim Bloedow
- Now Free Online> 28 Days on the Pill
- Free: Small Group Study – Seek Social Justice
- Amazing Grace: William Wilberforce and the abolition of the British slave trade
- Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (watch free online)
- Turning the Tide (Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide)
- Demographic Winter (fertility crisis)
- Life is Sacred