Manitoba consultations on Bill 18 ongoing

As we reported earlier this year, Manitoba’s Bill 18 has some serious flaws that need to be corrected. In fact, even NDP supporters are speaking out against it. At the beginning of this year, we encouraged our readers in Manitoba to step up, to take action and to speak out. And how they have responded! It’s great to hear that many parents and leaders will be presenting to the committee (over 300 individuals are scheduled to present). Dozens have talked to MLAs either over the phone or in person and hundreds of you have written emails and letters. Thank you! To those who will be presenting in the next few days we wish you God’s blessing and calm as you proceed. May your words be gracious and true and may Manitoba’s MLAs listen to what is said. You are the salt of the earth, the light to the world. For more on Bill 18, click here. And it’s not too late to send your MLA an email: use EasyMail here. And, as always, pray for the MLAs, the Christian schools, the presenters and the truth.