Manitoba Teachers Union Seeks to Force Alternative Sexual Lifestyle Teaching on All MB Schools

ARPA Note: It is critical that MB readers stand up against this, and Bill 18, while it can still be stopped. Find sample letters and legal talking points here.
Winnipeg Free Press, May 3 2013: So you thought Bill 18 has stirred up an education hornet’s nest? The union leadership representing Manitoba’s 15,000 public school teachers wants all provincial education curricula to reflect sexual orientation and gender-identity issues.
All Manitoba schools, regardless of whether they are public or private, must follow provincial curricula.A resolution to go before the annual general meeting of the Manitoba Teachers’ Society May 23 to 25 would call on the Department of Education to “ensure that same-sex families and LBGTTQ (lesbian, bisexual, gay, transgender, two-spirited, queer) people and themes are reflected in all curricula.” Keep reading