
News and Notes – July 13th, 2024



July 12, 2024

Fundamental Freedoms
Canada: Still Glorious and Free? 


While freedom is hard to objectively measure, there are several organizations that try. How does Canada stack up globally, and within the context of history? While there are some areas for concern, overall  we’re doing pretty well.

Freedom of Conscience Under Attack in Canada 

Nova Scotia is the latest province to severely limit conscience rights for doctors. In many provinces, doctors are now expected to offer an effective referral for a service they morally don’t support, such as abortion or euthanasia. This means connecting their patient with a doctor who they know will provide the requested service. 

Public Policy
Drug seizures in Ontario skyrocket 3,000% after safer supply expansion 

So-called “safe supply” drug programs exist in many cities across Canada in hopes of mitigating the risks of street drugs. In practice, however, these supplied drugs are often sold or traded so that users can buy stronger substances. This is leaving communities with staggering increases of drug use and addictions.

Human Rights Expert Advocates Abolishing Prostitution 

A UN human rights expert has taken a strong stand against prostitution and pornography. This is surprising many as the UN works toward viewing prostitution through the lens of legitimate “sex work.” While we differ from her on other policy areas, such as abortion – Reem Alsalem is right to highlight the violence, objectification, and exploitation inherent in prostitution and pornography.

Women Deserve to Know They Can Reverse In-Progress Chemical Abortions


Many women are faced with regret after choosing abortion. And yet few are told that there is a safe and effective way to reverse chemical abortions before the procedure is completed. As abortion providers are generally not willing to give this information – it is up to the pro-life movement to provide women the information they deserve to know.  


Another Disabled Person Speaks Up About Being Offered Euthanasia

Tracy Polewczuk, a woman with spina bifida, shares how she has been offered euthanasia twice by those who are supposed to care for her. The pressure she has felt to choose euthanasia illustrates how a health care system that offers euthanasia puts vulnerable patients at risk. 


What ‘Trad Wives’ Are Selling Is Not Traditional Motherhood

A social media trend pushing back on the culture’s disregard for motherhood and homemaking has widely become known as the ‘trad wives’ trend.  As Christians who value families, we must also be aware that curated content that monetizes sharing your family life can be deceptive. We must be discerning when faced with trends, even when they seemingly align with our values.  

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