News and Notes – June 22, 2024

Gender & Sexuality
The Western Porn Industry is Poisoning the Planet (EUROPEAN CONSERVATIVE)
The widespread use of pornography has touched our culture to an extent unimaginable only a couple decades ago. As developing countries are introduced to the Internet, the use of pornography has become widespread there too and its damage demonstrates again the need to ban pornography.
Alberta Father Abandons Effort to Block Daughter’s Assisted Suicide (CBC NEWS)
An Alberta father had received a court injunction blocking euthanasia for his 27-year-old daughter, who he believes was wrongly approved for MAiD. Unfortunately, the daughter, whose only publicly shared diagnoses are ADHD and autism, stopped eating and drinking, forcing her father to abandon his court appeal.
European Court: Assisted Suicide Not a Human Right (NATIONAL REVIEW)
An Alberta father had received a court injunction blocking euthanasia for his 27-year-old daughter, who he believes was wrongly approved for MAiD. Unfortunately, the daughter, whose only publicly shared diagnoses are ADHD and autism, stopped eating and drinking, forcing her father to abandon his court appeal.
Pre-born Human Rights
Valuing life: Abortion is just the tip of the iceberg (CHRISTIAN CONCERN)
As Christians, we often describe ourselves as “pro-life,” a term that generally refers to opposition to the destruction of pre-born lives. But perhaps we need to think of this term in a broader sense as the understanding of the value of life is foundational for a flourishing society.
Artificial Wombs, Artificial Love (PUBLIC DISCOURSE)
Advancing technologies have introduced artificial wombs, which have great potential to sustain the life of severely premature infants. Important ethical questions must be addressed, however, as the growth of this technology has the possibility in the future to become a new form of surrogacy. Christians must be willing to investigate this reality in the light of God’s Word and what is revealed in creation.
Free Speech
Truth Tellers: Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn (EPOCH TIMES)
A brief look at the life of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, author of the famous “Gulag Archipelago” and other works, whose commitment to truth led to much suffering but also much opportunity to share God with the world.