Ontario Petition against Bill 13 – Add Your Name!

The Ontario Government needs to know that, if the social engineering of the radical Bill 13 is pushed through, it is pushed through despite loud and deep opposition from many Ontarians. In the meantime, opposition to the Bill now can help push it to committee so that, at the very least, we can see amendments made to the Bill.
In order to add your voice to the chorus of opposition, please take the time to fill out this online petition hosted by the organization Parents as First Educators. It takes less than a minute. Also, share this link with as many others as possible. Bill 13 will not be passed because of our silence! The petition reads:
Whereas, Bill 13 is unnecessary as an anti-bullying measure because
Ontarians already have Bill 157; and whereas Bill 13 promotes radical
revisions to school instruction on sex and gender that a majority of
parents do not support; and whereas legislation is not the way to
implement equity education (this should rather be addressed by teacher
training, after wider parental consultation, in a way which respects the
views of people of faith), we the undersigned petition the Assembly to
vote against Bill 13.