Action Needed: Prostitution in Canada

Today, ARPA Canada sent a policy report on prostitution, available in both official languages, to each and every Member of Parliament and Senator. This is the first issue of our new biannual publication that we titled Respectfully Submitted. Click here to view an e-version. Our motivation is that Christians be proactive by putting forward quality policy recommendations rather than just react to the negative laws. We need your help to make this effective.
The issue of prostitution must be addressed quickly by our Parliament. An Ontario judge struck down our prostitution laws a year ago. The ruling was appealed to the Ontario Court of Appeal, and we can count on the issue reaching the Supreme Court of Canada very soon. Parliament has a unique opportunity to make a significant improvement to Canada’s prostitution laws rather than risk the Supreme Court creating another legal vacuum.
The current laws in Canada are not sufficient. They should be changed. But we ought not to allow the change that is being promoted in the courts (decriminalization). Enough countries, including the Netherlands, have tried that and failed. Thankfully, there is an alternative.
Action Needed: Our strategy is simple, but we need your help. The MPs will soon have the report. But they need to hear from their constituents the same loud and clear message that action is needed. We have created three Easy Mail letters that allows you to customize and send a letter that we already made in a matter of minutes. Please make use of this today or in the coming days and weeks. We can’t do this on our own. We need your voice to be heard!
Click here for the 3 Easy Mail letters. Note, Easy Mail now allows for custom subject lines. Please read the policy report before sending your Easy Mail letter. That way you can customize the letter so they don’t get 10 that look identical.