Vellacott’s motion to research adoption in Canada passes unanimously in Human Resources Committee

OTTAWA, March 19 2010 – Earlier this week, Conservative MP Maurice Vellacott brought the following motion on adoption before the Parliamentary Committee on Human Resources and Social Development (HRSDC):
That the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development, and the Status of Persons with Disabilities examine current federal support measures that are available to adoptive parents and their adopted children, recognizing and respecting provincial and territorial jurisdictions in this regard, and following completion of its study, report back to the House with its findings.
Que le Comité permanent des ressources humaines, du développement des compétences, du développement social et de la condition des personnes handicapées examiner les mesures de soutien actuellement offertes par le gouvernement fédéral aux parents adoptifs et à leurs enfants adoptés, tout en respectant les compétences des provinces et des territoires en la matière, et au terme de cette étude, qu’il présente un compte rendu de ses conclusions à la Chambre.
The motion passed unanimously.
Vellacott’s colleague Jeff Watson, Conservative MP for Essex, Ontario, has been championing adoption for some time, and he tabled this Motion in Parliament as M-386 prior to prorogation.
“I am very pleased to be able to accelerate action on this motion with the unanimous support of my colleagues on the Human Resources committee,” said Vellacott.
“The family is the basic building block of society and so much of our society’s future depends on making sure Canadian families receive the proper respect and support they need to ensure their children succeed, learn, grow, and take their place in society. Adopting families are an important part of building strong communities,” added Vellacott. “Adoptive families need their unique circumstances understood by those with a mandate to legislate; to know that their desire to parent is met with policies that support their choice to adopt. With thousands of children in foster care across Canada and children orphaned around the world through famine, natural disaster, civil unrest and wars, those among us able and willing to adopt are key to the well-being of these children and to the building of vibrant families and communities. A grateful society must do all it can to assist them in their parenthood journey,” Vellacott added.
“I am very much looking forward to participating in this important study,” Vellacott said. “The Committee needs to look at the process and experiences of adopting families within the existing framework with an eye to ensuring that the federal government is providing full support to all Canadian families, while “recognizing and respecting provincial and territorial jurisdictions.”
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