Your Letters Make a Difference: BC Government Changes Plans on Part-Time Kindergarten

In a surprising turn of events, ARPA Canada has learned and confirmed that the BC government has announced that independent schools may now maintain half-day kindergarten with funding. According to a notice from the Office of the Inspector of Independent Schools “While government remains committed to the implementation of full-day Kindergarten for all five year-olds by September 2011, government also recognizes that independent schools support parental choice. After reviewing requests for continued funding for half-day Kindergarten in independent schools, government has agreed to fund half-day Kindergarten programs in independent schools.”
This is welcomed news for many parents who have expressed concerns about the across-the-board move to full-time kindergarten as part of the BC government’s efforts to roll in a “early learning” system for BC’s children.
Local ARPA’s across BC have held events on this matter in the spring, asking concerned parents to write to the Minister of Education and their local MLA. We are very encouraged to see that the Ministry has heeded these concerns. Thank you to all who took the time to write, phone, and come out to these events!
Independent schools still have to decide whether to maintain the status-quo or move in the direction of full-time schooling for kindergarten students but now they can make this decision without the pressure of increased fees or removing their kindergarten programs all-together.
Read an article about some of the concerns about early learning education here. Read ARPA Canada’s submission to the Ontario government about their move toward early learning here. Click here for a video from the Langley ARPA event on full-time K. Finally, you can find some talking points on this issue here.
Take Action: If you are among the grateful to hear this news, please take a few minutes to send a note to the Minister of Education and your local MLA expressing your thanks. It is important that our leaders not only hear from us when we want change, but also when we are thankful for the positive work they have done. Be sure to keep the ARPA Action Meter updated!
Telephone: 250 387-1977
Fax: 250 387-3200
E-mail: [email protected]