Special Donor Opportunity: ARPA’s Bible Project

Help us bring God’s Word to every MP, Senator, MLA and MPP in Canada!
This year marks the 150th birthday of Canada and the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. To commemorate the special occasion, with your help, ARPA Canada is hoping to present a Bible to every one of our approximately 1,200 federal and provincial government officials. We plan to include a special card encouraging them to look to God’s Word for life and wisdom.
“So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:11). We know that most of our civil rulers are seeking to lead apart from God. Organizations like ARPA can expose them to sound policy, but unless their hearts are softened, they likely won’t be receptive. The ultimate answer that they need is found in the Bible. Even if they don’t read it when they get it, having it on their shelf can lead to the Spirit’s work later. Would it not be encouraging to know that every civil government leader has God’s Word close by?
We are looking to people like yourself to make this goal a reality. From the information we have so far, the estimated cost for sending 1,203 Bibles, including packaging, taxes, and shipping, is about $20,000. The quality ESV Bibles are being made available to us with significant savings. Our hope is to have funding in place by the end of July, and to distribute the Bibles in September/October, when Parliament and the legislatures are back in session.
We respectfully ask that any donations for this special project not replace your regular giving to ARPA. We require ongoing support for our day-to-day work. Our hope is that the funds for this project will come over and above our regular support.
If you wish to help make this project happen, please note “Bible Project” in the memo line of your cheque or in a note on your online donation. If we do not receive full support we will use the funds we have raised to distribute as many Bibles as we can. And if we receive more than our goal, the donated funds will go towards our general budget, unless you specify otherwise.
This could be a great opportunity to encourage your children, Bible study group, and others to join you in supporting this work. Each Bible, packaged and delivered, will cost approximately $16.50. Consider challenging others to cover the cost of 1, 10, or even 100 Bibles!
Click here to make a donation to get God’s Word in the hands of Canada’s political leaders.