Canadian Alliance for Sex Work Law Reform v Canada (2023)

Ontario Superior Court of Justice


An organization in favour of legalizing prostitution challenged Canada’s entire legislative framework on prostitution, which prohibits purchasing sex, profiting from the prostitution of others, promoting the prostitution of others, or recruiting or coercing others into prostitution. The Applicants argued that these criminal offences violated sex workers’ Charter rights to life, liberty, and security of the person by imposing dangerous working conditions on prostituted persons. ARPA intervened, arguing that prostitution is harmful to women and threatens their equality, and that a law designed to suppress prostitution to the greatest extent possible helps to combat the harm and inequality that prostitution causes. Thankfully, the court dismissed the entire challenge to Canada’s prostitution laws, concluding that Parliament has the power to prohibit prostitution.

ARPA Canada’s submissions to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice.


Big win as Ontario Court upholds Canada’s prostitution laws

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