
ARPA Action Challenge: 2010 Action Items this year!



December 22, 2009

In 2009 we were thrilled when ARPA Canada readers met our goal of 500 action items already by June. Given the growth in interest from the Reformed church community, we are now aiming much higher – 2010 action items to be completed and recorded on our action meter this year!

Why are we pushing for such a lofty goal? We believe that now, more than ever before, Christians need to be challenged to transform our concerns to action. We are being bombarded with so much sensationalized information and consequently become desensitized. The reality is that we have a difficult time getting active on these important matter unless there is a goal that we are called to achieve.

To complete this big goal, we ask all of our readers to make a personal and family commitment of at least one action item every month. Please record your action items on the meter on the right side of the ARPA home page. To assist you with this, here are 25 action items to consider:

  1. Join a local ARPA group and help increase awareness and action in your community.
  2. Send your MP a card, with comments from all your family members, thanking them for their time and devotion in serving as your elected representative.
  3. Write to your MP, Justice Minister Rob Nicholson, and Prime Minister Stephen Harper and urge them to make significant changes to the federal human rights code (even removing the human rights commission and tribunal). Click here for a sample letter and click here for more information about the commissions.
  4. Pray for your MP, MLA/MPP, Mayor, Prime Minister, Court Judges, Police Officers, and Cabinet Ministers. Our leaders encourage ARPA readers to pray for them and their families, especially for wisdom and perspective as they balance their work/family commitments. 
  5. Write to your provincial representative (MLA or MPP), the provincial Justice Minister, and your Premier, and urge them to make significant changes to the provincial human rights code (even removing the human rights commission and tribunal). Click here for more information about the commissions.
  6. Submit your own movie into the Salt n’ Light youtube contest (late entries still accepted). 
  7. Send in a story or submission to the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. Before doing so, read ARPA Canada’s submission here
  8. Print off and collect signatures from for this petition against Canada’s funding of Planned Parenthood international.
  9. Prior to the next federal and provincial budget, send a note to the Finance Minister (CC your MP/MLA/MPP) and encourage them to consider your suggestions for what is and is not worthy of funding. Even one suggestion is good. For example, consider Cardus’ 29to42 campaign.
  10. Phone your MP and the office of the Justice Minister and encourage them to not only vote against Bill C-384 (euthanasia and assisted suicide) but also to work to ensure that Canada does not go down this road in the future either. Click here for much more information on this issue.
  11. Use one or more of ARPA Canada’s newspaper ads in your community to stir up awareness and opposition to Bill C-384. Supplement this with letters to the editor.
  12. Distribute the ARPA E-Luminary (printed version) in your local church.
  13. Volunteer your talents to help out organizations like ARPA Canada (graphic design, web, video, writing, research, etc). Email [email protected] 
  14. Go to and learn what you can do to combat internet sex-abuse images and the devastation of child pornography. 
  15. Voice your opposition toward the heavy hand of the CRTC.
  16. Write Senators from your province an email explaining that you oppose the private member’s bill (S-209) that would repeal Section 43 of the Criminal Code which allows parents and teachers to use corporal punishment within reasonable limits.
  17. BC Residents: Learn more about the Corren Agreement and contact your MLA, the Attorney General, and the Education Minister to state your opposition. Learn more at, a website that ARPA helped create. Also, click here for suggestions for a letter as well as a petition.
  18. Alberta Residents: Join the campaign to defund abortion in your province. Read more here.
  19. In light of the recent legal challenges to legalize polygamy, and the ongoing attacks against marriage and the family, urge your MP and the Justice Minister to launch a Royal Commission on the Family. Learn more here.
  20. Write letters to the editor in defence of those leaders who do dare speak out on the issue of abortion (a few MP’s continue to do this so there should always be opportunity to do this). Tips for writing letters to the editor can be found here.
  21. Attend a meeting of Town Council or City Hall  to learn about local matters being discussed in your community (parents may want to take one of their children for an educational experience). Go to your town/city website to learn when the next public meeting is.
  22. After studying their platforms and learning more about the options, join a political party (both provincial and federal), if you haven’t already.
  23. Once you are a member of a party, attend an EDA meeting to discuss policy, events, nominations, etc. There is great influence at this level of politics.
  24. Approach someone you know who you think would be qualified to run for public office and encourage them to consider this prospect.
  25. Support godly and capable candidates with your time, finances, labour, or expertise. They need this between elections as well.

Do you have more suggestions? Email them to [email protected]

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