Countdown to Election Day
Welcome to your launching pad for the 2020 British Columbia election! The election has been set for Saturday, October 24th.
Elections are prime times to influence policies. COVID has especially highlighted the importance of the preservation of life, education, and religious freedom. We greatly encourage you to get involved in the electoral process to help advance these issues in British Columbia.
But, how?
1. Be informed about the provincial parties
The first step is to be informed about the provincial parties. (The parties are listed in order of size.) Click on the party logos below to read a brief synopsis of where the five largest provincial parties stood before the election.
Below the party’s image is a link to their full 2020 (or most recent) platform.
ARPA Canada’s comparison of these platforms on key issues is the final image and link in this section.
2. Get to know your local candidates
The second step is to get to know your local candidates. You can find the official list of confirmed candidates here. Investigate the background of your local candidates, try to meet them in-person or virtually, and ask them where they personally stand on key issues of life, education, and religious freedom.
3. Engage in political action
The third step is political action. If a local candidate or provincial party represents solid Christian values, volunteer for them. Spread your knowledge about the provincial parties and your findings about local candidates with your family, friends, and neighbours. Discuss the policies that arise in the election. Write a Letter to the Editor to raise important issues that need to be discussed in the campaign.